• PhD position in psycholinguistics/neurolinguistics, University of Lille and Radboud University/Donders Institute

We invite applications for a PhD position in neurocognition of language.
The aim of the project is to better understand the interplay between
language comprehension and production by studying neurocognitive
mechanisms in typical and neurological adult populations. The PhD
student will be co-supervised by Anahita Basirat (Lille, France) and
Vitória Piai (Nijmegen, Netherlands). The planned start date is 1
October 2025. The application deadline is 28 March 2025.

We are looking for a highly motivated and talented candidate with
demonstrable experience in research. The successful candidate will be
based in Lille with long-duration stays in Nijmegen and will carry out
research as a member of two groups:
- Language group of SCALab at the University of Lille
- Language Function and Dysfunction group at the Donders Centre for
The studies will be conducted in French and potentially Dutch. Access to
an EEG system and the opportunity to acquire expertise in
state-of-the-art electrophysiological techniques are provided.

The criteria for selection include:
- a Master's degree in a relevant field, such as (neuro)psychology,
cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science
- a keen interest in language, patient research, and electrophysiology
- experience in the field of psychology of language or speech science as
well as electrophysiology techniques is desirable, but not mandatory
- very good proficiency in written and spoken French as well as English
Applications from excellent candidates with a profile that does not
fully meet all criteria will also be considered.

Applications should include:
- a CV
- a cover letter (1 page)
- a summary of previous work (1 page)
- a copy of the Master’s diploma (if available) and transcripts
- names of two referees

Applications should be sent in a single PDF file to
anahita.basirat@univ-lille.fr and vitoria.piai@donders.ru.nl by 28 March

  • Stage non rémunéré
    • 1 stagiaire de 2 mois et demi
    • à partir du 07 avril 2025
    • Etude qui vise à comparer la pratique d’une séance de vélo stationnaire à haute intensité dans un environnement de piste d’athlétisme et de pleine nature, sur l’expérience affective (e.g., plaisir-déplaisir), la perception de l’effort, la perception du temps et sur la fréquence cardiaque et respiratoire, chez des sportifs et sportives.
    • contact:  layan.fessler[chez]univ-lille[point].fr et yvonne.delevoye[chez]univ-lille[point].fr 
    • Profil détaillé
  • Stage recherche non-rémunéré
    • Stages d'une durée de 35 à 70h
    • Réalisation tout au long de l'année universitaire
    • Dominique Knutsen, MCF Langage, laboratoire SCALab
    • Découverte de la recherche en psychologie du dialogue : passations d'expériences, traitement et analyses de données, découverte de la vie du laboratoire
    • Contact : dknutsen[chez]univ-lille[point].fr
  • Stage non rémunéré
    • toute l'année
    • L3 psychologie
    • Mélissa Allé, Maîtresse de conférence DEEP, laboratoire SCALab
    • contact: melissa.alle@univ-lille.fr
  • Recrutement des enseignants-chercheurs

Pour le poste de MCF en Psychologie sociale et psychologie du développement

IUT de Lille

- Sélection des candidats le 29 avril 2025

- Audition des candidats le 14 mai à 2025

Pour le poste de MCF en Psychologie du langage et Neurocognition

Département Psychologie

- Sélection des candidats le 5 mai 2025

- Audition des candidats le 21 mai 2025