Date: 2024-2024

Financement: PHC PROCORE - Campus France

Porteurs du projet: Bilge Sayim & Prof. William G. Hayward de Lignan University à Hong Kong

NOSEVAC - Commission Européénne

Date: 2023-2028

Financement: Commission européeenne

Porteuse du projet: Delphine Grynberg

SAVOIR - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Date: 2023-2027

Financeur: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Porteuse du projet: Amélie M. Achim

Partenaire au laboratoire: Dominique Knutsen



Date: 2023-2026

Financement: CAPES - COFECUB (Comité Français d'Evaluation de la Coopération Universitaire et Scientifique avec le Brésil)

Porteur du projet: Cédrick Bonnet

PHC Aurora

Date: 2023-2025

Funding: PHC Aurora - Campus France

Coordinator: Bilge Sayim & Pr Jonas R. Kunst de l'université d'Oslo

PHC Bosphore

Date: 2023-2025

Financement: PHC BOSPHORE - Campus France

Porteur du projet: Bilge Sayim

"Compression de l'information par le cerveau visuel et signature neuronale du masquage de la redondance" en collaboration avec l'Université Sabanci à Istanbul


Get-in-Past (FEDER)

Date: 2023-2025

Financement de projet: FEDER

Porteur du projet: Yann Coello (FR SCV)

Bourse mobilité USA

Bourse obtenue par Solène Kalénine pour l'année 2023/2024

CAPES (Brésil)

Date: 2023-2024

Financement: CAPES (Brésil)

Porteur du projet au laboratoire: Cédrick Bonnet

Porteur du projet au Brésil: Dr. Caio Cruz


Date: 2023

Financement: 3 universités brésiliennes (USP, UNESP, UNICAMP) et le Consulat Général de France à Sao Paulo

Porteur du projet: Cédrick Bonnet

PHC Germaine de Stael

Date: 2022-2023

Financement: PHC Germaine de Stael - Campus France

Porteur du projet au laboratoire: Dominique Knutsen

Porteur de projet Suisse: M. Fossard



Date: 2021-2024

Financement: H2020

Porteuses du projet: Partenaire: Delphine Grynberg et Christelle Duprez

Résumé du projet:
Bacterial pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Antibiotics constitute the standard of care but are faced with the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the curative failure. The FAIR consortium aims at assessing an adjunct to antibiotic therapy as an emerging concept of overcome AMR in pneumonia. The project leverages (i) a unique immunomodulatory flagellin that enhances airway epithelial innate immune defences and increases the therapeutic outcome relative to antibiotic alone, and (ii) airway-specific aerosol delivery by nebulization.
FAIR’s objectives are to:
• develop nebulization modalities for optimal airway targeting and rapid action at the infection site
• demonstrate that nebulized flagellin strengthens the response to antibiotics in relevant preclinical models of antibioticresistant pneumonia
• identify host immune factors required for the gain of protection with systems biology
• implement pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics model-based design and simulation for clinical validation
• assess nebulized flagellin’s safety in a Phase I clinical trial.
• analyze the acceptability and economic relevance of the therapy
• identify stratification markers that predict the course of pneumonia and treatment in antibiotic-treated cohorts.
Expected outcomes include the enrichment of the pipeline of novel treatments against pneumonia, reinforcement of EU capacity to control AMR and infections, the Phase I safety report on nebulized flagellin, recommendations for future trials, and acceptability by the stakeholders and cost-effectiveness for public health. FAIR will develop new avenues of research on mechanisms of action of the adjunct flagellin, and will define (for future trials) the subpopulation of patients that might benefit most from this treatment. Our industrial partnerships and exploitation plan will enable straightforward development of drug and nebuliser device, and bring innovation to the patients.

VISOSCIL- Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language

Date: 2021-2022

Funding: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language

Coordinator: Gwendoline Mahé


Date: 2021-2022

Financement de projet: PHC Maimonide, Campus France

Porteur du projet: Yann Coello

Composition des équipes:
France : Mme Bartolo Angela*, Professeure
M. Coello Yann*, Professeur
M. To be recruited To be recruited*, PhD
Israël : M. Fishbain Barak*, Assistant professor
Mme Givon-Benjo Nur*, Phd
Mme Okon-Singer Hadas*, Associated professor


Date: 2020-2023

Financement: Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën

Porteur·euse du projet: Partenaire: Emilie Wawrziczny et Pascal Antoine

Pour en savoir plus...


Date: 2017-2021

Financement: Interreg 2 Mers

Porteur du projet: Partenaire: Pascal Antoine et Mohamad El Haj (Université de Nantes)

Pour en savoir plus...