Séminaire SCALab - Manon JONES

Séminaire scalab
Séminaire par Manon Jones, Bangor University, UK

Audiovisual binding and statistical learning in typical and dyslexic readers.


Short summary: Over a decade of work on paired associate learning shows that it is a strong predictor of reading ability, yet we are currently just beginning to uncover the mechanisms responsible for this relationship. In this talk I will describe the empirical work from my lab in this area over the last few years. Our approach is to teach novel audiovisual pairs to groups of typical and dyslexia adults, which they have to learn over a short training task. We use eye tracking and experimental manipulation to examine (1) the role of episodic memory and (2) the stimulus features and consistencies that differentiate dyslexic and typical performance on these audiovisual learning tasks. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we have moved our testing online, and I will discuss briefly the challenges and benefits of using web-based eye movement measures and mouse tracking. I will also show how we have adapted our audiovisual binding tasks for online testing with young children.