Team Language
Presentation Team Language
Coordinators: Angèle Brunellière & Sandrine Mejias
The language team focuses on the cognitive and neurocognitive mechanisms involved in the learning and processing of spoken and written language by using behavioral measures, brain imaging measures and psychometric and computational approaches in relation with the experimental approach.
The language team develops its research work in four main research topics:
Coordinators : Angèle Brunellière (Pr, ULille) & Sandrine Mejias (MCF, ULille)
Researchers : Anahita Basirat (MCF-HDR, ULille), Angèle Brunellière (Pr, ULille), Séverine Casalis (Pr, ULille), Bruno Facon (Pr, ULille), Ludivine Javourey-Drevet (MCF, INSPE ULille), Dominique Knutsen (MCF, ULille), Laura Lazartigues (MCF, ULille), Gwendoline Mahé (MCF, ULille), Sandrine Mejias (MCF, ULille), Laurent Sparrow (MCF, ULille)
PhD Student : Sabah Al Bilani, Matthieu Bignon, Zalfa Chamoun, Alicia Fasquel, Jules Fumel, Mélen Guillaume, Angelica Gutierrez, Amélie Rémy-Néris, Junior Vargas, Luc Virlet, Ding Yan
Co-supervising PhD Students with another laboratory: Vincent Bovet (Université Neufchâtel), Maeva Brunet (FoReLLIS UR 15076, Université de Poitiers), Said Housseini (CRIStAL, Université de Lille)
Post-doctorant: Fanny Grisetto (resp. G. Mahé)
ATER: Matthieu Bignon, Alicia Fasquel
IGE on research contract: Louison Bompais (resp.: A. Basirat)
Themes of study
When children learn to read, they must use several units of language. We examine the place of morphological operations (complex word decomposition, ability for deriving words, e.g., Amour-Amoureux) in learning to read and write. Some readers may have difficulties in making reading fluent. We thus examine the specificity of processes involved in reading in dyslexics.
In mother tongue, we investigate whether acquisition trajectories are comparable in normal and special populations (with intellectual disability for example).
In second language, learning an L2 in a school context presents many specificities (low exposure, importance of the written word, etc.). In this framework, we examine the role of spelling in word learning and the interactions between the written lexicon of the L1 and the L2.
We study how to perceive speech, how to understand a spoken sentence and how to dialogue between individuals. In this context, we try to address various challenging questions: what are the reciprocal links between the perception and the production of speech? What is the role of prediction mechanisms in the understanding of a sentence and the consideration of the interlocutor? What is the role of memory in shared knowledge in dialogue?
Learning mathematics is complex! We are interested in identifying the skills that young children need to acquire good arithmetic skills. The environmental and neuro-biological factors involved in the proper development of these skills are also studied.