REHAB (Astra Zeneca)

Date: 2024-2026


Funding: AstraZeneca (Appel à projets en oncologie - In’Care)

Coordinator: Dr Xavier LIEM (Centre Oscar Lambret)

Partner in the laboratory: Kristopher Lamore

Abstract: Each year in France, 16,000 new cases of head and neck cancers are diagnosed. Therapeutic interventions are heavy, combining surgeries, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy leading to disabling late sequelae: speech disorders, xerostomia, dysphagia, asthenia, etc. The objective of the project led by Dr. Xavier Liem is to offer these patients a personalized strategy, tailored to their needs, using computer decision algorithms that consider data from the care pathway (clinical, medical, and sociological data collected during treatment) and self-questionnaires completed by the patient after treatment adapted to this type of cancer.

ANCAPRO (Ligue contre le Cancer)

Date: 2023-2025

Funding: Ligue national contre le cancer (Appel d’offres Recherche 2023 – Recherche clinique et parcours du patient et des proches)

Coordinator: Dr Jonathan OLIVIER (CHU de Lille)

Partner in the laboratory: Christelle Duprez, Delphine Grynberg, Kristopher Lamore

Abstract: After a diagnosis of prostate cancer, active surveillance may be proposed. This therapeutic option can lead to anxiety in some patients or partners, which may result in either psychological disorders or an unnecessary demand for curative treatment. However, few studies have focused on the psychological adjustment of patients and the interaction with their partners' emotional experiences. This research project aims to quantify the anxiety of patients under active surveillance and their partners, as well as to explain the reasons for anxious symptoms. This understanding will subsequently allow for the development of prevention strategies and tailored support

The ICEbreaker intervention (Ligue contre le Cancer – Comité du Nord)

Date: 2023-2024 (12 months)

Funding: Ligue contre le Cancer – Comité du Nord (Appel d’offres Recherche 2022 – Demande de subventions de fonctionnement d’équipe et/ou d’équipement)

Coordinator: Kristopher Lamore

Partner in the laboratory: Pascal Antoine, Christelle Duprez, Valentyn Fournier, Delphine Grynberg


Among all the factors affecting the psychological impact of cancer, information and communication are particularly important in improving the emotional adjustment of patients and families facing cancer.

Various programs have been developed to address these needs and difficulties. However, these programs are usually offered individually to patients or relatives. The family system is less studied, and the needs and problems of certain family members are neglected. Moreover, these interventions are difficult to transfer to clinical practice. To overcome these limitations, the ICEbreaker project aims to develop and evaluate a multi-modular program that addresses individual, and relatives needs while facilitating their interactions with health professionals. In this context, the first phase of the project consists of a qualitative study conducted with cancer patients and their relatives to identify the facilitating factors and the obstacles to the use of a digital supportive care intervention. A second objective of this study is to specify the needs of potential beneficiaries of such an intervention. This study will use focus groups to allow a discussion between the participants, facilitated by a person trained in this specific methodology.

ANGIORE (Fondation Maladies Rares)

Date: 2022-2024

Funding: Fondation Maladies Rares (AAP SHS 2021)

Coordinator: Christelle Duprez

Partner in the laboratory: Laurent Sparrow

Clinical center involved in the project : CHU Lille

Abstract :

The project consists of two complementary parts, which aim in patients with hereditary angiodema (HA) to 1) Study the frequency of emotional regulation deficits in the form of alexithymia and the links between alexithymia, emotional regulation strategies and emotional regulation difficulties (ANGIORE QUANTI), and 2) See whether patients with HA are more subject to deregulations concerning the balance between the 2 branches of the autonomic nervous system than "control" patients with immunological thrombocytopenia (ANGIORE PHY).

DYAD-MH (Fondation Maladies Rares)

Date: 2021-2023

Funding: Fondation Maladies Rares

Coordinator: Pascal Antoine


INEKOG (Ligue contre le Cancer)

Date: 2020-2023

Funding: Ligue contre la Cancer

Coordinator: Anne-Laure Samson, UMR 9221

Partner in the laboratory: Christelle Duprez

COMETE (Ligue contre le Cancer)

Date: 2019-2021

Funding: Ligue contre la Cancer

Coordinator: Sophie Lelorain

ECCA (Company)

Date: 2019-2021

Funding: Society ECCA Evaluation

Coordinator:  Clémence Roger

PACIFIC (Fondation Plan Alzheimer)

Date: 2018-2021

Funding: Fondation Plan Alzheimer

Coordinator: Pascal Antoine

CEMA-D (Ligue Contre le Cancer)

Date: 2018-2021

Funding: Ligue Contre le Cancer

Coordinator: Véronique Christophe

DYAD PARK (France Parkinson)

Date: 2017-2020

Funding: France Parkinson

Coordinator: Pascal Antoine

DEGLIOPA (Comité Nord Ligue Contre le Cancer)

Date: 2018-2020

Funding: Comité Nord de la Ligue Contre le Cancer

Coordinator: Delphine Grynberg


Date: 2017-2020

Fundind: INCA

Coordinator: Véronique Christophe

ACCA Evaluation (Company)

Date: 2016-2020

Funding: Société ACCA Evaluation

Coordinator: Yvonne Delevoye-Turrell

PROVIE (Comité Nord Ligue Contre le Cancer)

Date: 2016-2020

Funding: Comité du Nord - Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer

Coordinator: Véronique Christophe