SCALab UMR9193

SCALab brings together researchers, professors and assistant professors as well as clinicians around a common research project focusing on the experimental and neuroscientific study of the interrelationships between cognition, emotion and behaviour. The scientific project of SCALab aims at understanding the cognitive and affective aspects of interactions with the physical and cultural world (perception, action, conceptualisation) and with the social world (interrelations, language).

The research programme that is being developed is positioned at the frontier of human and social sciences and neurosciences, thus favouring a multidisciplinary and translational scientific approach based on innovative digital tools.

The particularity of the laboratory is to propose, within a dynamic and adaptive conception of behaviours, complementary research projects articulating within three continuums: behavioural indices and neuro-biological indicators, behaviours in general and pathological populations, as well as experimental studies and computational modelling.


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09:30 - 12:30

HDR of Dominique Knutsen

scalab Manifestations scientifiques Soutenance de HDR

Collaboration dans le dialogue et mémoire conversationnelle: Une analyse des processus cognitifs sous-jacents…

14:00 - 16:00

Seminar SCALab 23/01/2025


Jean Julien Aucouturier

11:00 - 12:00

Seminar Team Language 13/02/2025


Dominique Knutsen

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