Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Année 2019
- Knutsen, Dominique ; Col, Gilles ; Brunelliere, Angele - How do dialogue partners jointly manage mental load to navigate the interaction?, 2019
- Lavallee, Audrey ; Degouis, Fanny ; Ott, Laurent ; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte ; Saloppé, Xavier ; El Haj, Mohamad ; Pham, Thierry H. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis - La colère dans le rappel de souvenirs définissant le soi chez des criminels présentant un trouble de la personnalité antisociale, 2019
- Gehenne, L. ; Lelorain, Sophie ; Piessen, G. ; Eveno, C. ; Christophe, Veronique ; Fregat, Working group - Predicting the severity of surgical complications in esogastric cancers: what if psychological factors mattered?, 2019
- Baudry, Anne-Sophie ; Vanlemmens, L. ; Piessen, G. ; Anota, A. ; Cortot, A. ; Christophe, V. ; Christophe, Veronique - Profiles of caregivers most at risk of having unmet supportive care needs in oncology, 2019
- Gehenne, L. ; Lelorain, Sophie ; Fregat, Working group ; Christophe, Veronique - Predicting the severity of surgical complications in oesogastric cancers: what if psychological factors mattered?, 2019
- Gidron, Yori ; Lelorain, Sophie - Synergism between physicians’ empathy, bad news and cancer death: The role of hopelessness and inflammation., 2019
- Mahe, Gwendoline ; Zesiger, Pascal ; Laganaro, Marina - Imparired access to phonological representations in dyslexia: New insight from ERPs in picture and letter naming tasks, 2019
- Lavallée, Audrey ; Degouis, Fanny ; Ott, Laurent ; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte ; Saloppé, Xavier ; El Haj, Mohamad ; Pham, Thierry H. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis - La colère dans le rappel de souvenirs définissant le soi chez des criminels présentant un trouble de la personnalité antisociale, 2019
- Delevoye, Yvonne - Predicting the Emotional State Though the Observation of Body Movements: the Key Role of the Spontaneous Motor Tempo., 2019
- Lelorain, Sophie ; Wilu-Wilu, A. ; d'Almeida, G. ; Alsberghe, L. ; Bertin, N. ; Bourgoin, M. - Medical empathy and patient health beliefs explain patients’ intention to uptake patient education., 2019
- Duka, T ; Betka, S ; Nicolaou, K ; Sequeira, Henrique ; Critchley, H. - Brain mechanisms involving Insula associated with heavy alcohol drinking and severity of dependence in Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), 2019
- Li, M. ; Reynvoet, B. ; Sayim, Bilge - Crowding reduces numerosity estimates for large numbers., 2019
- Melnik, N. ; Coates, D-R. ; Sayim, Bilge - What dyslexics see: Excessive information loss characterizes peripheral appearance in dyslexia, 2019
- Rummens, K. ; Sayim, Bilge - Attentional limits in crowding are asymmetric, 2019
- Yildirim, A. ; Coates, D-R. ; Sayim, Bilge - No help for lost lines: Redundancy masking is strong under focused and diffuse attention., 2019
- Brunelliere, Angele ; Delrue, Laurence - The robustness of prediction effects based on article-elicited negativity in spoken language comprehension depends on the communicative intentions of listeners and speakers, 2019
- Salomé, F. ; Commissaire, E. ; Casalis, Severine - Orthographic Information facilitates L2 vocabulary memorization : evidence of early accurate L2 orthographic representation among third grade monolingual children, 2019
- Carlier, M. ; Hoba, P. ; Coulomb, A. ; Martin, Y. ; Delevoye, Yvonne - Importance of affective and motivational states for compliance to physical rehabilitation in hemiplegic and low back pain patients, 2019
- Delevoye, Yvonne ; Brossard, V-P-M. ; Lewkowicz, D. ; Berretti, S. ; Daoudi, M. - The emotional maps of spontaneous walking: using spatiotemporal correlations to reaveal the emotional states of whole body motion, 2019
- Guérin, Ségolène ; Vincent, M-A. ; Delevoye, Yvonne - Methodological considerations when using fNIRS in the assessment of cognitive control during whole-body motor behaviors, 2019
- Willem, C. ; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte ; Doba, Karyn ; Roussel, M. ; Verkindt, D. ; Patou, F. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis - Why do people with obesity tend to eat when facing negative emotions ? Contribution of emotion dysregulations and interoceptive abilities to emotional eating in adult obesity., 2019
- Lavallee, Audrey ; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte ; Saloppé, Xavier ; Pham, Thierry H. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis - Characterization of Self-defining memories in antisocial personality disorder, 2019
- Wawrziczny, Emilie ; Guenez Larochette, Clotilde ; Pasquier, Florence ; Antoine, Pascal - A new tool to measure the caregiver adjustment : The CSDC Scale, 2019
- Wawrziczny, Emilie ; Constant, Emilie ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis ; Doba, Karyn - The determinants of sexual satisfaction: an integrative model, 2019
- Willem, Clemence ; Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte ; Roussel, M. ; Pattou, F. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis - Emotion regulation difficulties and deficits in interoceptive awareness depending on obesity’s severity, a case control study, 2019
- Cornut, Camille ; Mahe, Gwendoline ; Casalis, Severine - Modality effect in L1 and L2 word recognition among French late learners of English., 2019
- Borel, L. ; Bachelard-Serra, Mathilde ; Bernard-Demanze, L. ; Lavieille, J-P. ; Saj, A. ; Honore, Jacques - Body spatial representation in unilateral vestibular patients: Evolution before and after surgery., 2019
- Bonnet, Cédrick T. ; Davin, T. ; Hoang, J-Y. ; Baudry, S. - Synergies between postural control, eye movements and cognitive involvement in precise visual tasks performed upright., 2019
- Daoudi, M. ; Nandrino, Jean-Louis ; Sequeira, H. - Le visage : de face à interface., 2019
- Basirat, Anahita ; Patin, C. ; Vanstavel, Sébastien ; Zmuda, L. ; Mejias, Sandrine - Traitement neurocognitif de la structure syllabique : un processus automatique ?, 2019
- Vicenzutto, Audrey ; Saloppé, Xavier ; Pham, Thierry H. - Implementation of the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA) among a Belgian sample, 2019
- Casalis, Severine - Modéliser l’apprentissage de la lecture, 2019
- Mayelle, A, ; Antoine, Pascal - Appréhender et comprendre la conscience de soi et des troubles dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : combinaison de deux types d'évaluation, 2019
- Tiberi, Luca ; Delannoy, Denis ; Saloppé, Xavier ; Vanderstukken, Olivier ; Pham, Thierry H. - Factorisation de l’échelle de désirabilité sociale Crowne-Marlowe auprès de population psychiatrique médico-légale et carcérale, 2019
- Batistatou, Adamantia ; Delevoye, Yvonne - Evaluating urban design for physical activity & well-being., 2019
- Andreotti, Eva ; Congard, Anne ; Kop, J-L. ; Le Vigouroux, Sarah ; Antoine, Pascal - Etude des effets d'une intervention basée sur la pleine conscience : une approche en réseaux de la dynamique du changement et des différences inter et intra-individuelles,, 2019
- Salomé, F. ; Casalis, Severine ; Commissaire, Eva - The linguistic Immersion to foreign language (L2) facilitates vocabulary ìearning in a third language (L3)., 2019
- Yildirim, A. ; Coates, D-R. ; Sayim, Bilge - Lost lines in warped space: Evidence for spatial compression in crowded displays., 2019
- Rummens, K. ; Sayim, Bilge - When detrimental crowding becomes beneficial uniformity in peripheral letter recognition., 2019
- Melnik, N. ; Coates, D-R. ; Sayim, Bilge - Direct capture of peripheral appearance reveals what is lost and retained in peripheral vision., 2019
- Roger, Clemence ; Grisetto, Fanny ; Delevoye, Yvonne - Revealing cognitive control processes in normal impulsivity using electrophysiological recordings., 2019
- Delannoy, Denis ; Saloppé, Xavier ; Cooke, David J. ; Pham, Thierry H. - Prototypical validity of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality among international French-speaking mental health professionals, 2019
- Basirat, Anahita ; Grolez, Guillaume ; Baille, G. ; Delval, Arnaud ; Dujardin, Kathy ; Thery, J. ; Devos, David ; Defebvre, Luc ; Moreau, caroline - Lien entre la production de la parole et les performances cognitives dans la maladie de Parkinson, 2019
- Vieira, R. ; Pereira, R. ; Sampaio, A. ; Bartolo, Angela ; Pinal, D. - The neural basis of intransitive gestures: An fMRI study., 2019
- Cornut, Camille ; Mahe, Gwendoline ; Casalis, Severine - Word recognition among French late learers of English: impact of language, modality and cognateness, 2019
- Bonnet, Cédrick T. ; Delval, Arnaud ; Defebvre, Luc - Changes in the relations between postural control, eye movements and cognitive involvement related to Parkinson’s disease and age., 2019
- Muniz-Diez, C. ; Loy, N. ; Jozefowiez, Jeremie ; Urcelay, Gonzalo P. - Response panel modulates cue interaction in an A+/AX- design, 2019
- Lecerf, Marie-Ange ; Commissaire, E. ; Comesana, M. ; Casalis, Severine - Does orthographic cue help children to learn vocabulary in L2? A spoken word recognition on French fifth graders, 2019
- Salmoé, F. ; Comissaire, Eva - Orthographic information facilitates L2 vocabulary memorization : evidence of early accurate L2 representations among monolİngual children., 2019
- Cornut, Camille ; Mahe, Gwendoline ; Casalis, Severine - Modality and cognate effects in L2 word recognition among French late learners of English., 2019